Recommended Rat Veterinarians
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Add your favorite Rat Doc!
If you have a rat vet you think is really good, email me and I'll add her
or him to the list. I'd like to know stuff like how long you have seen the
veterinarian, how many rats you have had treated there, any other
comments you have, and your email address so that people can write you if
they want more details.
Also, please let me know if you are recommending a particular veterinarian
or the whole hospital -- and unless you have seen all the vets at a
particular hospital, please just recommend the vet(s) you know. Again, I
don't want to insult anyone, but vet hospitals vary a lot, so while at one
the rats may all go to the expert, and at another everything is teamwork
and shared between all the vets, at some the rat may just go to whoever
has time, qualified or not. And sometimes your favorite vet may move to
a different practice -- this format will make it easier to change the
address & such without having to change info about the doctor.
If I ever become motivated enough, I'll put a form here, to make your
entry even easier. But right now I'm hungry, and it's past dinner time,
so you'll just have to email me.
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